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By Deron

The following email was received by the M4 Research support team from somebody who was considering our Wealth Vault membership ‘investments and profit-opportunity’ research club.

Our reply is in the attached PDF (at the bottom) for you to download and read at your convenience. In addition to the reply, we suggest you read our article, When investing and human behavior collide: Painful lessons learned from millions lost, as referenced throughout the inquiry.

Should you have any questions about this article or its content, simply use the comment box below or submit a new support ticket.

Here’s the inquiry:


Thanks for the article. I also had a bit of a look at the other articles. I found the Wealth Vault very interesting; however, at the moment I do not feel ready to jump into another membership and don’t think I have the confidence to take action on any investment opportunities since the _____ (editor’s note: he’s referencing the situation we refer to in our ‘Lost Millions‘ article) went so badly.

I am concerned about spending all my savings when I do not have an income at the moment; but, I know I have to spend money to find out how to invest it to generate an income (catch 22)!

I hope you don’t mind me asking you for a bit of advice (and I feel a bit cheeky asking, but do not know where else to ask). I am a total newbie to investing. How do I verify and check if an investment is a real opportunity, or a scam, or showing real examples of real people’s earnings… etc.

For example, ___________ (editor’s note: he’s referencing the situation we refer to in our ‘Lost Millions‘ article) says it has been going years, but it could be suggested that it was recently set up, where can I check that out? How do I know the figures shown are real and not made up? How do I know the people trading are qualified?

Everyone talks about doing “due diligence” but what exactly should I be doing and checking and where do I start? I do feel that ________ (editor’s note: he’s referencing the situation we refer to in our ‘Lost Millions‘ article) was projected as one thing but is not what I thought it was.

My problem is that whilst your “passive income” investment also looks good, how do I know the figures you show are real? What should I do to verify your product? I am now suspicious of all these similar investments. How do I know what I am risking? What stop losses are in place?

I really would appreciate any advice/help you can give on how and where to start.

My confidence had been shaken, especially since my gut feeling was to go with __________ (editor’s note: he’s referencing the situation we refer to in our ‘Lost Millions‘ article) and then it bombed out.

Thanks for all your patience and help.


(( See our reply in PDF here… ))