[ Question From a Prospect ]
I’ve been very impressed with your site,and really like the ethos and idea behind it.
I was wondering if you could offer some advice if possible…my situation is this, I have recently been laid off work, and I have £4k to use as investment; basically, I am looking for something or a combination of things that would help me to make around £60 per day.
This would mean I wouldn’t have to go back to work for a while, do you think there could be anything on your site to help me?
John (UK based)
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[ Reply From Deron ]
Hello, John –
I am very sorry to hear about your job situation and can certainly understand your wish to earn passive income without work.
There are a few things I will need to address with your question:
1. We are not an advisory service; and, we do not represent ourselves as offering advice or recommendations of how to manage your money.
On the contrary, we review various Investment Vehicles (IVs) and other money growing opportunities through an intense due diligence process, give them a test-run and / or thorough vetting out (including using our own money with many of the vendors), and then endorse them – via comprehensive reports and articles – to our paid-up members.
We cannot legally advise you on how to manage your money; nor can we suggest which programs may be a best fit for you. And, even if we legally could do such, we still would not know your personal situation as per total assets, risk tolerance, and otherwise.
You may want to consult with a professional advisor if you need specific investment advice (in fact, within The Vault, we do have a few industry professionals that we have endorsed).
2. We need to take a look at your hopes and expectations. You are looking to make £60 per day. That means, you are looking to make £21,900 per year. Given that you are only going to use £4,000, you would beexpecting a 500% annual return.
I do not know of any such program that can offer those kinds of returns. And, even if I did, the amount of risk taken to achieve those gains (i.e. the chances that you could lose all OR MORE THAN your initial £4k) would be sky-high.
I do suggest you take a look at a recent article we have written on the risks of speculative investments (or, other cash-growing programs) and what the implications can mean when you reach for too high of profits:
The most important thing with speculative investing is to manage risk and expectations. We offer many educational articles, including our High-Yield Wealth – From the Inside Out Series, to help guide and educate investors on the above topics.
Additionally, if you do not wish to jump right in to The Wealth Vault membership – at $47 U.S. per quarter, it is not a large purchase – you are more than welcome to ‘get your feet wet’ by purchasing one of our reports, entitled Auto-Pilot ROI.
In it, you’ll learn such things as the key features of managed trading accounts, what kinds of returns are realistic, how to avoid managed account scams, and where to find consistently profitable managed accounts.
For more information on this report, watch this short, 7-minute presentation:
Now, while my time is mainly dedicated to the assisting our paid-up members (as it should be), I am more than happy to offer you other education materials or answer more questions.
Feel free to respond to submit a support ticket at your convenience.