[sws_blue_box box_size=”630″] Instructions, by App: CLICK HERE for ‘by app’ White-listing Instructions…[/sws_blue_box]
Email is a fast and effective way of communicating. But selfish and unscrupulous people have made it hard for everyone to only get the email messages they really want, and harassed email service providers have had to resort to tough, often drastic filtering processes to protect their clients and mail systems.
This has led to the widespread use of confirming and white-listing to try to overcome these problems.
Confirming is what happens when you subscribe to a mailing list, then have to confirm that subscription request. This is also referred to as “Double opt-in“.
Why do I need to confirm?
All M4 Research mailing lists and autoresponders are double-opt-in. That means you need to confirm your original subscription request so we know that it’s really you requesting the subscription — not some pest or prankster trying to sign you up without your knowledge or consent.
It’s an important protection for both of us. This way you only receive email messages from us that you requested and confirmed, and we’re protected in case of false spamming complaints.
When you subscribe to one of our lists, our mail system sends you a confirmation request email with a confirmation link. All you have to do is click on that link. A browser window will then open to tell you that your subscription is confirmed. Close the browser window and you’re all done. It’s that easy and quick.
If you don’t confirm, our system will automatically delete your subscription request after a day or two. You will not be added to the mailing list until you confirm.
Why do I need to “white-list” an email address?
“White-listing” means notifying your own email provider that you want to receive email messages from the white-listed sender. This let’s them know not to filter or black-list that sender’s emails.
White-listing delivers two important benefits for you…
- It helps to ensure that you receive messages from us that you’ve requested.
- It helps to protect you from unsolicited bulk email (spam)
How to White-List Us:
There are detailed instructions HERE, by email client; however, in most cases, just by adding each of our ‘From addresses‘ (m4notice@m4research.com & [email protected]) to your address book, safe list, whitelist or contact list will be sufficient.
Member Updates and Related Notices Come From:
M4 Research < m4notice@m4research.com >
Replies From Our Support Desk Come From:
M4 Support < e[email protected] >